Sorry I haven't posted in FOREVER! I've been super busy. This is our Teacher Appreciation week since the darn swine flu cancelled ours the first week of May. We have had such a blast working our butts off for the teachers, and the LOVE it to say the least. I'm so happy to make them happy, that is what I'm there for.
monkey had his checkup Monday and everything looks great. The 6 weeks of antibiotics is done and the sinuses are clear! YAY! Now we will began the thin liquids through a spoon on Speech Therapy days, and see how that goes. As long as there is no pneumonia then we do not need to go back the the lung doctor for 6 months. I'm thrilled and hope this fixes his problems. Another speech therapy note is that princess will graduate Speech Therapy on Thursday in one week! I'm so very proud of her. She has worked so hard and we will be having a little party for her on that day.
Today is speed racer's 7th birthday. I'm so amazed at how much he has grown!! I can't believe that my baby is 7!:( He leaves in a couple of weeks to go to St.Louis for the summer, and his dad has lots of fun things planned, so hopefully he will have fun.
Not much more going on, maybe I can blog more later when the school year is over!!! HA!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I'm still alive
Posted by Mom to the 3rd degree at 8:13 PM 0 comments